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Sharp humor [Mature. Private, Jhonen] - Page 3 OoC81

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    Sharp humor [Mature. Private, Jhonen]


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    Sharp humor [Mature. Private, Jhonen] - Page 3 Empty Sharp humor [Mature. Private, Jhonen]

    Post by Lorne Sun Nov 13, 2016 4:17 pm

    First topic message reminder :

    Lorne would walk with his hands stuffed into his pockets. Annoyingly he had to wear a shirt in public, and his pants clung to his form tightly. Thankfully, he was able to hide the tails for now, and he kept his head low to avoid too much eye contact with others around him. He would continue down his way, a hum coming from him as he casually looked up at the store signs. A few managers beckoned him forward, to come in and have a hair cut. Ew. Barbers.

    Lorne turned his head away in a huff, slumping his shoulders a little as his longer white hair flicked behind him. Signs passed overhead, and his sensitive nose picked up the faint scent of food as the smells would waft slowly towards him, bending in the winds. He grumbled to himself as his stomach growled. He’d need to get something to eat later. However, that wasn’t the most pressing thing which was on his mind.

    A slightly damaged sign with the picture of an anvil and hammer swung above a particular alley way. With a smirk, Lorne gave a shrug. What’s the worst that would happen if he went down there? He was in dire need of a very specifically made knife, as his already had been broken. It served him a long time, around a hundred years. Countless lives were claimed by the unique steel and silver mix, and Lorne needed a replacement as it had been damaged on too many times.


    Destroyed and broken.

    Lorne put his hand up against the door, swinging it open and stepped into the place where he hoped skilled craftsman lay.

    Last edited by Lorne on Tue Nov 22, 2016 8:31 am; edited 1 time in total


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    Sharp humor [Mature. Private, Jhonen] - Page 3 Empty Re: Sharp humor [Mature. Private, Jhonen]

    Post by Lorne Wed Nov 23, 2016 3:21 am

    Lorne, quite instantly, would return to a larger version of his fox form, towering over her with a rather menacing growl. The presentation of his sacred medallion swayed him slightly, but he did his best not to keep the impact of having it stolen show on his face.

    The kitsune would stare down at the female, undisturbed by the change that she had made. His fangs grinded together as he glared, wishing death threats down against this thing. He didn't even care that she had the medallion (okay, maybe he cared a hell of a lot, but still, he wouldn't let that be known). Lorne's jaw snapped, threatening to take a chunk of her shoulder away. But that's all Lorne could do to her. False threats.

    Lorne treasured the amulet more than anything else in the world - Jhonen coming a close second. It was his prized treasure, something literally linked with him. And whoever held that stone... Lorne would do anything to get it back.

    Lorne defiantly glared at her, his heart racing as his eyes flicked between her own and the medallion. His precious orb still housed safely inside. Lorne felt his heart being torn apart, one half wishing to tear this thing apart while the other begged for Lorne to be merciful, to spare her and do what she requested to try and get that orb back.

    His connection with that orb was incredibly powerful, the pull drawing him closer and closer into submission to her, but he fought it back. Lorne couldn't bend down to her! Not that bastard who almost killed Jho! But his orb...

    Lorne couldn't do it. He depended on that orb. He caved.

    "He's an acquaintance, if ya must know." Lorne snarled through his teeth, the words slurred from being in his fox form. However, guilt pulled at him as he knew he had lied to her, and that wouldn't do! How would he ever get the orb back if he lied? The torment in his soul was evident through the flickering of his eyes, unable to keep steady and firm. "Someone who I fancied." He forced himself to admit.

    Damn her!

    "Ya poisoned him, your damn iron powder caused him more hell than anything else ever could! Why? Why do that to him!" Lorne growled, "I simply forgot in my anger what ya stupid fae's can do. A simple lack of judgement in a mind clouded with anger."

    Shut up Lorne!

    "Mind ya, I was able to ensure he lived."

    Damn it Lorne, keep your trap shut!

    "I think ya gonna have to go around that another way." He growled.

    YOU IDIOT! Don't tell her that! She has your orb idiot! But the words had already left his lips, the things he had stated, irreverable.

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    Sharp humor [Mature. Private, Jhonen] - Page 3 Empty Re: Sharp humor [Mature. Private, Jhonen]

    Post by Jhonen Wed Nov 23, 2016 6:16 am

    A shriek came from Sallehn's lips as she was told that her plan had, unfortunately for her, failed. Panic gripped her as she understood the repercussions that would happen if Jhonen was allowed to live. His Lore was meant to keep her and her kind out of this world. He could call the full power of The Hunt down upon her, and there would be nothing she would be able to do about it.

    Putting her hands over her face, she took a moment to think. She hadn't survived this long only to be thwarted by a happenstance love affair between two mutts. Cwn Anwnn wouldn't be able to hunt her until nightfall, so that gave her twelve hours. Still, it didn't feel like enough to the Fae- the damage that would truly be done was while Jho could hunter down like he was bred to do. Daylight was more so her enemy at this moment in time...

    That's when an idea presented itself to Sally- one that was brilliantly delectable from how much pain it would not only cause Jhonen, but this Kitsune as well. The bastards dare think they could cross over into her territory? For years she was the butt of jokes. taunts about her failed relationship with the Black Dog. Not that she wanted a relationship, more so just control over The Hunt his Lore could call down.

    "There's a way you can make it up for me, dear. A way that will entertain me from memories of it for years to come..."

    The banshee licked her decayed lips, rubbing her maggot-filled chest at the sheer thought of how much black emotion would go through the air for her to feed upon. She hadn't fed in years, just ate upon the emotions men who had been spurned came with to her bar. If she dared to try what she was going to do now while Jhonen had the ability to respond.


    The run to the bar was much longer than he remembered. Dread filled the heart of Jhonen as he thought about what could possibly happen to Lorne at the hands of the disgusting corpse he knew Sally to be. his feet almost felt like they were full of lead, slowing him down as he sprinted as fast as he was able to the bar on the corner. His pockets were weighed down by the metal powders, he had to be careful about how he chose to store them this time. He wore a kevlar and steel woven jacket this time, preferring the chance of protection to the absent chance that something would take to kill him. The blade was on the his chest hilt, mainly to hide it from the denizens he ran past.

    Slowing to a stop outside the Gold Cavern, Jhonen looked around before he tried the door. As expected, the damned thing was locked. What'd you expect, a simple walk-in? putting a finger over the keyhole, Jhonen concentrated on lifting the pins to the level he felt the seal bar at, slowly twisting the metals with his senses until it clicked into the 'open' position. Then, after a moment's hesitation, he stepped inside.

    The room was dark, trash from last night littered the floor. The table tops were clean, though, and reflected what little light filtered in through the closed curtains. A deserted aura came from the place, which made no sense when Jho thought of the workers. If they'd left already, it meant that something was up.

    Letting the door shut behind him Jhonen slowly stepped forward. A large clunk sounded near the stage, spotlights flashing onto the centerpiece bright enough for the smithy to cover his eyes until they adjusted. The first few keys of "I'm Going Slightly Mad" began to play on the piano, and what felt like a brick dropped into his stomach. On the stage, Sally's human form was playing the keys. Around her neck was.. Lorne's medallion. His heart skipped a few beats, and he staggered. Was Lorne dead? What was going on?

    His questions were answered when the cunt whistled, and jerked her head in the direction of his table. Almost like a magnet, the smithy looked where she wanted him to. A large white fox with several tails stood, its lips curled back in a snarl. He would've been slightly off-put if he didn't recognize the eyes. Lorne. A low laugh came from Sally, as she saw the look on his face. If he had anything to vomit, he would.

    Before his eyes, the visage she had always so carefully kept up in public melted. Wherever she touched, a light pool of azure liquid was left in her wake- her decayed blood. Ragged strings of bug-infested skin hung from her, her breasts uneven and half eaten from the insects that crawled under her skin. Sunken eyes showed the amusement she gathered from the horrified look on his face, and memories of the night that they had almost shared burst into the forefront of his mind. He knew exactly what she was doing, but he had no way to stop her. It wasn't until his eyes came even with Lorne's medallion that he snapped out of it. Quickly averting his eyes, he locked them onto the Kitsune.

    "Sallehn, Banshee of the Black Forest within the Never Never. I hereby declare you forbidden within this realm, and speak on behalf of the Lore residing within Cwn Anwnn's realm that you take your filthy ass and leave."

    He felt his Lore stir at the mention of its name, rearing its head in target of its next Hunt. Even if he died, the Lore would return to the Never Never, and seek out the bitch before him.


    Surprise lanced through the Black Dog, both forms startled at the words. His eyes darted once more to Sally, as she had regathered her human looks. A smug look sat there, her now hazel eyes glowing with untainted satisfaction. The hell?

    "Although, I think that my new friend might have a few words against that."

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    Sharp humor [Mature. Private, Jhonen] - Page 3 Empty Re: Sharp humor [Mature. Private, Jhonen]

    Post by Lorne Wed Nov 23, 2016 6:58 am

    Lorne's ears flickered back, his head partially turning so he could see the entrance out of the corner of his eyes. The reason why the great fox did this was to see just what was making the noise down the hall. His face had a defeated expression on it, his mind trying to block the feelings which he held towards him.

    Please don't be him...

    His wishes were in vain, Lorne a mere pawn in this game of hers. He couldn't live without being in charge of the medallion, it was his and no one elses. But it being in the claws of a banshee caged the one true thing which he craved, a freedom which he always had held in his hands. That was all torn down and thrown into a burning fire when she tore the amulet from his neck. He just wanted it back!

    If mercy would shine, please don't be him...

    It took all Lorne had not to wail as Jhonen appeared in the hallway, having ran to there. His chest rose and fell faster than normal, and the fox froze, his eyes fixed and narrowed at Sally. He had his orders. She had his orb. His ORB!

    "Sallehn, Banshee of the Black Forest within the Never Never. I hereby declare you forbidden within this realm, and speak on behalf of the Lore residing within Cwn Anwnn's realm that you take your filthy ass and leave."

    If only Lorne was able to howl to Jhonen, tell him to leave, tell him not to come back. His claws dug into the wooden planks beneath him, slightly scratching the surface as he did so. He couldn't warn him. He'd be breaking the order. Breaking the one chance that the kitsune would have of retaining his beloved orb. Of holding it once again.

    But isn't he worth losing the orb for?

    Instantly, Lorne felt his heart plunge into an inky darkness, and he formed a cage around his feelings. This was why he never got close with anyone. This was the exact reason he kept his distance. This was why he always stayed an arms length away. So he never felt the pain when this would come.


    Although, I think that my new friend might have a few words against that."

    Lorne almost snarled at her, his form furious that she would dare to claim him as her friend. He was anything but that, and she knew all she was doing was abusing the power of his medallion, twisting his arm and forcing it against his back. He watched Sally, before exhaling slowly. He never fought in this form, so Jhonen would have something going for him. For now.

    Besides, Lorne was an assassin, not a front line fighter. This was only going to end poorly for him.

    Caging the last of his feelings deep near his core, the assassins face became a mask, neutral, unreadable. His large frame would turn deliberately and slowly to Jhonen, his eyes reading the confusion of his next victim. The Kitsune snarled, his tails lashing to show a sign of anger and unrest.

    In a matter of seconds, the giant fox would be upon him, his maw threatening to slam shut near his arm. His tails would lash around at the same time in an attempt to knock him down, however, without his orb, Lorne wasn't able to mark Jhonen, meaning his most valuable trick was lost.

    Outside, Lorne acted as if Jhonen was simply another assassination request.

    Internally, Lorne screamed at himself to stop, begging for an alternative path.

    But there was no other choice for him. Either he did his, or he lost his orb.

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    Sharp humor [Mature. Private, Jhonen] - Page 3 Empty Re: Sharp humor [Mature. Private, Jhonen]

    Post by Jhonen Wed Nov 23, 2016 7:15 am

    The giant Kitsune was now upon him, and confusion almost made Jhonen lose an arm.

    Quickly dropping into a roll, the blacksmith dodged the bite. The tails still buffeted him, but he used the carried momentum to sprint onto one of the metal tables.

    "Lorne, enough!"

    Why was he attacking him?! He couldn't handle two enemies at once, but Sally didn't seem inclined to launch herself into the fray. What was her game? Normally she'd be claws deep in blood and gore, her breed feeding upon negative emotions such as agony and misery...

    That's what was going on.

    She was puppeteering the Kitsune and the Black Smith to create emotions to fuel her. Jhonen had spent so long after the incident he had had with her trying to cage her ability to do such. His Lore was supposed to be a guardian of this world, hunting down the Fae that did wrong. But there was always someone who did something bad. He had let that go along time ago, only carrying a chip on his shoulder from this bitch because she attempted to use him just as she was now.

    Before Lorne could go in for another swipe, Jhonen thrust his hands down through the table. His control over metals allowed him to liquify then solidify the material around his wrists, just enough grip for him to lift it with him atop. He'd done this trick only once before, back when he had originally fought Sallehn, and he wasn't exactly good at concentrating on the hovering. Hoping that it would be enough, he propelled himself towards the Sidhe- only to be discouraged by an illusion.

    "Fool me once, Spot."

    Her voice came from everywhere, and hundreds of Sally's appeared. They all sat in the seats, at the bar, there was even one acting as a bartender. They all laughed at him, pointing and mocking his mistake. He wouldn't get caught up in that now, however, as he knew exactly what was going on. Turning the momentum into yet another roll, he quickly warped the metal into a shield over his left arm, reaching into his pocket for the pouch that contained exactly what he needed. Hopefully, he could avoid Lorne long enough to spread it in the air. Sally only knew that he could corrupt iron and steel- he'd been careful about that so far. The only reason he was using the dust, though, was because he had dropped his dagger from the roll with Lorne. He hadn't accounted for how sharp he had made the blade when he put on the old carry vest, and that left a very big hole in his plans.

    "Yeah, yeah. Cut the shit Sally. I'm not going down for it."

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    Sharp humor [Mature. Private, Jhonen] - Page 3 Empty Re: Sharp humor [Mature. Private, Jhonen]

    Post by Lorne Wed Nov 23, 2016 7:30 am

    "Lorne, enough!"

    The Kitsune mind ignored the warning growling as his jaw slammed shut against the open air. His tails didn't manage to knock him over either. Dammit. This was why he never used this form. A faint thudding noise caused Lorne to look down, a dagger on the ground at a skewed angle. Not that he cared.

    Lorne turned his head back towards Jhonen and Sally, but he couldn't figure out just what his beloved Jhonen was doing. No! His target!

    Lorne shook his head for a few seconds, losing an internal war as he pushed through the clouds of fog and confusion. He growled, tearing his eyes up from the ground to face the gorgeous man again. His paws cleared the distance again, only for him to freeze when his new commander decided to freak Lorne out by making dozens of themselves appear, all laughing and mocking Jhonen.

    If ya didn't have my orb... Ya wouldn't be in a laughing mood. Lorne thought angrily to himself, before continuing towards Jhonen. He had carried himself forward into a roll, bringing the dust up again.

    Too bad it wasn't exactly toxic to Lorne.

    The Kitsune wouldn't care for consequences, his paw swiping across the ground to knock Jhonen off his feet. If he succeeded with that, he would move himself forward to rapidly bite at him. But dammit! He was a fox! He couldn't fight as this form!

    Lorne glanced at 'Sally', his eyes wondering if she would allow a better form for him to fight with.

    How can you fight the man that you just saved? Who you stayed up all night holding and reassuring? The who's side you didn't leave, the one you care for! Lorne ignored the voice, feeling tears prick at his eyes. He didn't need this now...

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    Sharp humor [Mature. Private, Jhonen] - Page 3 Empty Re: Sharp humor [Mature. Private, Jhonen]

    Post by Jhonen Wed Nov 23, 2016 7:44 am

    Jhonen was glad that he had brought the shield up into parry, as Lorne launched onto the stage. He didn't lift himself in time to avoid the paw swipe, his breath being knocked away from the force of the hit. As the Kitsune began to bite downward, Jho rolled away, keeping the shield between him and Lorne as much as possible before lifting an arm upwards towards one of the metal cables that held the lights aloft- drawing it around his arm to help him onto the catwalk above the bar.

    "Lorne! What are you doing! Fight her, not me!"

    Jhonen couldn't understand just what was going on with someone that he just spent the night with, and he absolutely refused to bring arms against him. He'd keep on the defensive side for as long as he could, sure that illusions and danger were at work here. Looking at the air vent, an idea came into mind. Dropping the now open bag of gold into the ventilation shaft, Jho made the move look like a stagger, before bringing himself atop the vents.

    "I thought Banshees had more guts than you. You're fighting like a coward, or should I say a Ghoul?"

    "How dare you! I've given you a chance to fight me you mutt. You'd think I would leave prey away from my grasp? Ha! I haven't left this room since your entrance."

    The jab was one that most Fae were sensitive to, hating when their breeds and statuses were mocked or jumbled up. Even though they couldn't lie, they could skew the truth away from what was meant to be. Her words meant that either she was in here, or somewhere else in the building. After all, she hadn't specified what room she was in. The speckled mist of gold was moving, he could sense the rare metal moving throughout the ventilation shaft and into the entirety of the building. Hopefully, that'd give him a chance to move.

    "Then why not face me like one of the Sidhe should? I thought you Fae were brazen enough to rip my guts out from my stomach!"

    Leaping the twenty foot down, Jhonen put himself a good ten feet from the dagger- but kept his shield between who he once thought of as a friend.

    What the hell, Lorne..?

    "Lorne, please! Help me! I can't do this without your help!"

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    Sharp humor [Mature. Private, Jhonen] - Page 3 Empty Re: Sharp humor [Mature. Private, Jhonen]

    Post by Lorne Wed Nov 23, 2016 8:03 am

    Lorne's paw didn't hit him nearly as hard as he could have. The sight of him there was enough to pull the strings of his heart, crisscrossing and restraining his movements. Lorne couldn't kill him. Even though that was his order, Lorne simply couldn't.

    "Lorne! What are you doing! Fight her, not me!"

    If only he understood what things lay at stake for Lorne. . . His beloved orb was stolen, and he couldn't utter a single word about it. To do so would be to expose why he was acting this way, and it would be against Sally's orders as well. Lorne simply couldn't tell him that the one thing he treasured in this life was gone.

    How can I get him to know! Lorne shouted in his mind, his heart tearing itself apart as his form lumbered across towards Jhonen. Annoyingly, the stupid bitch didn't give Lorne an answer if he was seemingly allowed to swap what form he was using. All she opted to do was ignore him. It rubbed the Kitsune the wrong way that she had done so with such a great ease, but he didn't have a choice. He couldn't risk breaking the rules.

    You can't kill him either!

    "Lorne, please! Help me! I can't do this without your help!"

    His heart broke, his movements froze. If Jhonen would spare a glance at him, he would see the turmoil burning in his eyes, his features frozen in an expression of anxiety. Lorne needed to help the one who he was assigned to kill, but the controller of the orb would never allow him to have it back if he didn't continue. The Kitsune would be frozen for a few moments, simply unable to act.

    How could he strike someone he cared so much about?

    But how could he ignore the one pulling at the strings of his orb?

    Help me... Please Jhonen...

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    Sharp humor [Mature. Private, Jhonen] - Page 3 Empty Re: Sharp humor [Mature. Private, Jhonen]

    Post by Jhonen Wed Nov 23, 2016 8:20 am

    Jhonen's heart clenched at what he saw. Lorne's eyes were wide, lips curled slightly with his ears pinned back. He was going through an inner battle, something that the blacksmith knew all too well. Anger surged through Jhonen, his Lore biting at the binds that restricted it from coming out. This winded him, causing him to double over as he himself had to reign in his instincts and anger. Loathing flashed through his mind, and he immediately turned his head to the one he could just feel was Sallehn. Her eyes widened slightly as she saw him see through the guise, and Jhonen's mouth curved into a Cheshire grin.

    "I see your game now, fairy."

    Cwn Anwnn lent Jho its power, and he felt the beasts form merge with his. Cracking his neck, he felt the pain of his jaw elongating slightly, mainly to make room for the sharp teeth he now had. Dropping his shield, the Blacksmith picked up the Dagger he had so carefully made.

    "I'm sick and tired of games. I'm tired of being played. I retired, nice and quiet in my shoppe. All you had to do was leave me be, and I would leave you be. Sure, I didn't want you to feed in front of me. But did you ever think that there might just be a reason for my stipulations?"

    Jhonen's hands were now curved with talons, his bronze skin darker from the shadows that rippled to keep this form. For once, he and his Lore were in synchronization with one another. A snarl came through his distorted lips, Cwn's blood thirst aching to be sated. The Illusions each screamed, attempting to distract him and move his attention away from his prey. They would have fooled Jhonen if he were alone, but he wasn't now.

    "The Hunt has called your name Sallehn MacDugan."

    He was now a mere three feet away from the Banshee, staring her down with blood-red eyes. Her sunken orbs were wider than they'd ever been, and MacAnndra could smell the terror coming off of her like it was skunk musk. Lorne's medallion dangled within his grasp. Before she could respond. Jhonen grabbed Sally by her half-formed throat, grimacing as the rotted flesh squished through his fingers. He had once thought this creature was beautiful. Jho could feel Cwn's howl building in his throat, and wouldn't hold back any longer.

    Wisps of necrotic energy filtered in, forming the bodies of The Hunt. It wasn't night, so only three of the five Dire Wolves would be free to do what Cwn bade them to do.

    "No! Spite upon you and your heart Jhonen MacAnndra! Release me! I'll make a deal!"

    She didn't have power, anymore. Fae were bound to their word, and as soon as she broke hers her ability to scream was gone.

    "Spite upon the damned cesspit you came from, bitch."

    Jhonen yanked the Medallion free from her, a sick squelching sound coming from the now decapitated beast he held. Her body was so rotten that it didn't move, instead flowing like a jellyfish in the water to reconnect the rotted tendons in her neck. Terror washed over her face, no longer able to hide back what she thought. Her hands began to scratch at the grasp, struggling to get away from the wolves that paced closer.

    "It's not my job to kill you, anyway."

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    Sharp humor [Mature. Private, Jhonen] - Page 3 Empty Re: Sharp humor [Mature. Private, Jhonen]

    Post by Lorne Wed Nov 23, 2016 8:56 am

    Lorne's heart raced, anxiety and stress building up inside him, something which the Kitsune didn't do too well with. Never before had the Kitsune experienced such powerful emotions tearing his being in half. One side screaming to save and help Jhonen, the other to kill and destroy him to claim back his orb. He groaned, his heart faltering as he felt his legs become weak, almost as if they were made from jelly.

    His vision blurred as he tried to take another step forward, seeing a rather faint and fuzzy outline of Jhonen moving towards a very particular image of ... Sally? Lorne's mind was frazzled, screaming for him to follow his orders, to claim Jhonen's head to steal back his precious orb.


    A dreadful howl caught the Kitsune off guard, his already weak footing failing. His paws slid from the edge of the stand where he stood, toppling head over heels down to the floor. Lorne winced, his joints locking as his heart seized again, grabbing against itself in an icy grip. The Kitsune rolled onto his belly, his tails sprawled across the floor. He whimpered quietly to himself, a sound virtually non-exitant compared to the shouting voice that begged for another chance. Lorne didn't know their exact words as his world spun around him, the Kitsune shaking his head to try clear the fog.

    Kill him! Take back the orb!

    Don't touch him! Ya saved him, it would have been more merciful to have let him die than to backstab him!

    He needs to die! The orb is all that matters!

    But he can't, the orb isn't as important as HIM!

    My life depends on the orb, and I can't live without it!

    Your life depends on him! He can get it back!

    Lorne's mind and heart tore each other apart, mixed with everything else he felt, his heart painfully clamped. A whine tore from him, a grimace creasing his muzzle as he held his chin firmly against his chest. His ears were flattened against his skull, panic, anxiety and fear causing him to falter again.

    He wasn't aware of his surroundings, he didn't see the other members of Jhonen's group being summoned. He didn't see Jhonen take back the medallion.

    Lorne's panic caused him to falter again, collapsing on his side.

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    Sharp humor [Mature. Private, Jhonen] - Page 3 Empty Re: Sharp humor [Mature. Private, Jhonen]

    Post by Jhonen Wed Nov 23, 2016 9:33 am

    Jhonen turned his eyes for a moment to look for Lorne, then gasped at what he saw. The great beast had stumbled from where he was on the stage, collapsing into a heap on his side. The white fox shook his head, eyes darting around in what looked like a mixture of confusion and agony.

    Snarling, Jhonen looked at the women he held in his grasp. He wouldn't let her get away with doing this to Lorne. She wasn't worth a quick kill. Picking her up, Jhonen tossed her to the pack- letting them rip into her stomach and drag out her entrails vigorously. Shrieks came from the Fae, her ribs cracking open to show her heart. None of the wolves touched the beating piece of meat, its azure hue shining like oil in sunlight. They knew what it was being saved for, and instead progressed to chewing on the tendons and marrowless bones that the Fae somehow lived with. Reaching up into her ribcage, the half-transformed Black Dog grasped the Banshee's heart. Tendons and arteries pulled, attempting to get the life source away from the danger that Cwn emanated naturally. They all snapped when impatience caused the Lore being to yank it out, each broken line spurting more of the ichor onto the surroundings. As soon as he stepped away, the third wolf moved in to tear away the pelvis, more strings of rotted skin and maggot dripping as he paced away to gnaw on the large bone. The Hunt were rotted themselves, each only borne of necrosis and death...

    Scrubbing the thought from his head, Jhonen slid over one of the tables, making his way to the Yokai as quickly as he could. Picking the beast's head up gingerly, he moved his thigh under Lorne's jaw.

    "Christ, I hope you still hear the words of a lost piece of Lore..."

    Tentatively, Jho moved one of the ribbons of the medallion under Lorne's neck, bringing the other around to tie the two in a knot. He wasn't sure if it would help, but the strange relic gave off an intense energy that just felt like it was who Lorne was, in a concentrated form. Rather than just leave him be, Jhonen grabbed one of the stages mats to cover the Kitsune.

    Don't leave me now, Lorne. I barely even know you, but I have a feeling that...

    Closing his eyes, he couldn't even bear to think about what would happen should the Yokai choose to leave. Memories of when Cwn's Lore came to him, and what that meant for his family burst into the forefront of his mind, causing tears to streak down the half-Lore's face.


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    Post by Lorne Wed Nov 23, 2016 10:13 am

    The order... but the orb... The order... but the orb... The order... but the orb... The order... but the orb... What did he follow! He couldn't do both, it was one choice or the other. Give up his life, or give up Jhonen. Kill one to save the other. A choice that the assassin simply couldn't choose and the distress was more potent than any other feeling he had held in him before. Throughout his life, nothing had caused him this much pain.

    Lorne breath was drawn in ragged gasps, the panic clouding his mind and vision, causing him to tightly shut his eyes, trying to block out the potent light that flooded him, only adding to his confusion.

    He was vaguely aware of screams, of something being torn apart... but the sounds pierced through his skull, the Kitsune shuddering in pain. Lorne's tails curled tightly around themselves, constricting from the pain which his body threw him through, the absence of the orb, and what he thought he had to choose... Lorne shuddered, his ligaments across his back spasming, muscles constricting and relaxing through his being. Never had he felt this way. His mind shut itself off, his body remaining loose as he couldn't handle the situation.

    He could never choose between two things he loved.

    Lorne felt a sense of peace when this happened, the decisions remaining further from him than anything else he needed. His mind wandered, his soul shifted through a realm which wasn't influenced by time nor space, a simple existence was all it had. What he wasn't expecting was the feeling of something brushing against his chin, gently rocking the fox's head.

    "Christ, I hope you still hear the words of a lost piece of Lore..."

    The words were unfamiliar to Lorne, who perked his head up, ears twitching in the false realm. A warmth settled on his neck, and Lorne seemed to be puzzled for a few moments. But the warmth soothed his frozen heart, removing the stress that the Kitsune had, even in this non existant realm. His head turned to and fro, only to see a mirror. However, its reflection was not that of Lorne's. The fox curiously peered through it, and through the hazy eyes it could see a man... a man like wolf reach up and pull down one of the stage mats. Lorne could feel the weight against his hide, and he tilted his head curiously.

    As his mind wasn't disturbed by the events, it remained in a state of harmony, something that refused to change. Lorne shrugged, and turned away from the glass.


    He glanced back, feeling his muzzle slightly tingle as it seemed to be wet. He pawed it away, shaking his head before looking to the mirror and gazing through. The hazy sight showed the man... But he was crying? Why? Did he lose something? The kitsune tilted its head, peering through the mirror, watching as it cradled the head.

    As if he had lost a loved one.

    Lorne was taken aback by this, and a hum of concern came from his chest. No. This wouldn't do. He raised up his paw, stepping through the mirror.

    Emotions once in turmoil slowly soothed the soul of the Kitsune as the soft warmth from the orb rested against his neck. But Lorne's muzzle kept feeling damp and, with the greatest struggle Lorne ever had to do, he raised his head to nuzzle away the tears, before his head fell back to his lap, exhausted from the effort.

    Someone so handsome didn't deserve to cry... Jhonen...


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    Post by Jhonen Wed Nov 23, 2016 10:30 am

    His heart felt like it was wrenched in two. More and more memories of holding his brother, Solahm... His big brother's neck being crooked, the wrong shape. One of his eyes popped, looking like a deflated balloon while the other stared up at nothing. The child that Jhonen once was was shaking, trying to wake up his brother. Patting the big Black Dog in an attempt to wake it up..

    Only for Cwn Anwnn to call him to The Hunt.

    A warm, soft touch wiped away Jhonen's tears. Shaking out of the reverie, Jho's eyes were still clouded with tears. On his lap, Lorne stared up at him. The Kitsune was barely awake from the effort of fighting between what his orb- no. His soul was possessed to do, and what his heart wanted. Curling around the great mammal's head, Jhonen put his forehead to Lorne's.

    "I'll get you safe."

    Turning to his Hounds, Cwn curiously waited to see what Jho would do. The Banshee lay in her own blood, still alive because her heart beat in Jhonen's jacket pocket. Bitterness welled up inside the Black Dog.

    "Leave her. Help Lorne."

    The wolves dropped their meat, padding towards the downtrodden fox. The biggest one, the one who had ripped apart Sallehn's pelvic region, gently nudged Jho out of the way before nosing himself under Lorne's body. The other two took their places at his head and tails, making sure that none of the large beast dragged across the ground. They went behind the stage-rotting the curtains wherever they touched to get through to the bay doors. There, they waited until Jhonen opened the large sliding gap, and gingerly stepped down with Lorne across their backs still.


    It was hard for Jhonen to open the bay doors. He had them made out of iron to keep out any stray Fae, but with the Lore being used he was part Faery as well. He had to use part of his jacket to stay between his hands and the door before he could work it enough to open, letting in the group of animals. They had had to go a long way around, careful to stay out of sight of anyone before they could finally come back to his shoppe. What was supposed to be a ten minute walk turned into a two hour run.

    The wolves lowered the kitsune carefully, setting the tail and middle down first before awaiting for Jhonen's help with the head. He was silently thankful for their intelligence, not wanting to imagine what him dropping his head on the floor could mean.

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    Post by Lorne Wed Nov 23, 2016 10:52 am

    Lorne didn't have the strength to protest as the other three dogs nuzzled their way underneath him, holding him onto their back. Instead, he gave a small whine to Jhonen as the man struggled to open the door stiff from basically ever being used. The dogs then proceeded to take Lorne back to the shop. However, the exhausted kitsune didn't remember the way home, his mind falling into a gap of peace when it could.

    Lorne was only aware of being lowered into the shop as it happened, and, rather puzzled, his eyes would glance around the place. For a few moments, he didn't recognise it, a worried look dancing across his face as his eyes still registered a blurred vision. He pulled himself away a little from one of the wolves, unknowing of their origin. He made a nervous chirp, but when they lowered him, but when Jhonen knelt down to help them with his head, Lorne's facial expression relaxed a little, giving him a small lick across the face. Sure, he may have been a little more canine now, but Lorne still respected him and thought he was still damn handsome.

    The giant fox-like creature would try to roll onto his stomach, only to partially yelp when an addition to his hind leg sent a numbing pain through him. He growled at himself, annoyed at how careless he was.

    He turned back to Jhonen and, if he was within range, Lorne would nuzzle his leg to show appreciation for what he had done. If Lorne had just shut up and listened...

    The fox huffed a sigh, placing his head on the ground. His leg ached painfully, but he was ashamed of what he had done.

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    Post by Jhonen Wed Nov 23, 2016 11:00 am

    The nudge from Lorne made a warm feeling blossom in Jho's chest. A small smile went across his face, just as Cwn released the Lore's grasp. Light burst again- not as potent this time around. However, the Black Dog didn't leave Jho alone as it felt concern over the fox just as much as he did. It was odd, being in sync with his Lore. Normally the instinctual myth presided with just that, taking his emotions and warping them beyond what he typically felt. This was the main reason he had retired from his Black Dog duties, shirking away from the responsibilities posed to him. He didn't enjoy killing, even if some people deserved it.

    "There's a bed in my room. Only one. You can get there by going through the smithy area and opening the sliding door. I'm going to be cooking something, and I do hope you like breakfast burritos. It's all the supplies I can throw together right now, I haven't been shopping in a while."

    Of course, Jhonen was back to being a blubbering idiot. Embarrassed, he opened the door to the Smithy to walk to the fridge that was nestled opposite of the bellows. The only place he had to cook over was the same place he smelted over. Grabbing the meats, cheese, and eggs... He took a skillet down from one of the wall pegs. Deciding that browning the meat first would be healthiest, he did such. When it was satisfactorily done, he cracked the eggs in to scramble.

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    Post by Lorne Wed Nov 23, 2016 11:16 am

    Lorne waited until Jhonen had left the area before he would painfully force himself to his feet. His hind leg ached from the use, and Lorne shrugged. It was about to get a whole lot worse. Shaking his head a little, he felt his bones shrink, the tails still easily visible as Lorne didn't have enough energy to even try changing them to be hidden. He groaned, his leg throbbing painfully, but it would be something he looked at later. It wasn't too bad now and compared to what he had previously dealt with, it was fine.

    The medallion was securely fastened to his neck, and the Kitsune picked it up and looked into the amulet. The orb was still there, he could sense it. Slowly it soothed his soul, but he couldn't help but feel guilty for what he had done.

    Thankful that with his transformation that he actually had clothing that transformed with him, Lorne slowly forced himself to his feet, rather unsteady. His tails flattened a little behind him to help stabilise him, before he slowly (and rather hesitantly) made his way to the kitchen. Silently, he would approach the chief, before wrapping his arms around the Fae's chest, resting his head against the side of his neck.

    "Smells delicious, handsome."

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    Post by Jhonen Wed Nov 23, 2016 11:26 am

    Gooseflesh rippled across Jhonen's skin, Lorne's voice right in his ear. He hadn't expected the hug, and it made the man almost drop his pan. Clearing his throat, he inhaled deeply. This was a mistake, however, as Lorne's scent filled his nostrils yet again. Sobriety would not go hand in hand with this Yokai, it would seem.

    "Hello to you too."

    Lame. He'd have to do better. Stirring the meats in with the egg, he added the shredded cheese once he was satisfied that there was nothing too raw.

    "Food's almost done."

    It took every ounce of Jho's strength not to turn around right then and there to do anything. Adrenaline made it to where he could easily hear both their heart beats, but he also noticed that Lorne was leaning on him more than he had before. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw that the Kitsune's tails were still there, almost acting like a crutch.

    "There anything you need help with?"

    Taking the skillet away from the fire, Jhonen gingerly turned in Lorne's grasp. His kevlar jacket was off due to the fire, but it was harder to maneuver in his clothing at the moment. Certain bits were in the way of certain joints. Even though Lorne was three inches taller than him, the slight angle he rested on Jhonen made their height even. Heart pumping, he couldn't stop himself.

    "I apologize if this is wrong, but.."

    Tentatively, Jhonen slipped his left hand under Lorne's right cheek, before leaning in to press his lips against the Yokai's. Surprisingly, they weren't as rough as he once would have thought.. Rather, they were supple. Silken against his own.

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    Post by Lorne Wed Nov 23, 2016 12:42 pm

    Lorne smirked a little, the smell of either the delicious food or of Jhonen making him slightly shiver. He wasn't expecting such a strong smell from the wolf, but it was to be expected. After all, he was literally half fae at the moment.

    "The smell's wonderful." Lorne commented, his mind still partially torn from the incident earlier. Even if he tried, there was no way he would be able to throw it under covers with ease. Instead, he just decided to let himself say whatever he was going to say. It couldn't be too bad compared to everything else he did... right?

    At the comment about hs leg, Lorne sighed, "It's fine, I'll live."

    However, the last thing that the assassin, the trickster, the wonderful and way too over-confident man was expecting was for Jhonen's hand to slip across his right cheek. His hands were gentle, but their firm movements made Lorne's eyes dance with curiosity, only for it to be answered in the next few moments. Even though his face was partially distorted from his half transformation, Lorne returned the kind favour to Jhonen, his lips gently pressing against his own.

    His touch could be compared to that of a dancers, purposeful and well prepared, timed and perfectly executed. Lorne would change the pressures that his kiss gave, moving them like a well-prepared dance. But before Jhonen was able to enjoy it too much, Lorne would gently break the kiss, his eyes glinting in amusement, "Does your little inner wolf have any problems with this?" Lorne asked, raising his arm for two fingers to gently stroke down the side of Jhonens face. His other arm wrapped around Jhonen slightly firmer, not allowing him to leave anytime soon.

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    Post by Jhonen Wed Nov 23, 2016 12:57 pm

    Cwn Anwnn's presence bursted forth once more, urging Jhonen forward. It felt like all the things the blacksmith had heard from people who had taken ecstasy, or other aphrodisiacs. The kiss that was broken much too soon haunted both the Fae and man alike. Swallowing, Jho took a deep breath- it was hard to think around the haze that Lorne too well presented. A nagging though about Lorne's leg was snapped away, the Lore only caring about one point. When the Kitsune pulled him tight against him, it took a moment for the blacksmith to think. He had to have felt certain... things at that point in time.

    "Christ, no. The only reason I still look like this is because my Lore's taken too much of an interest in you. And it.. Goes by Cwn Anwnn."

    Groaning inwardly, Jho shivered at thoughts that danced across his mind's eye. Cwn was more than just a little interested, and thoughts of whether those before him had gone through this made him slightly curious. Even though he knew he and Cwn were supposed to be one being, it didn't... feel like that. It felt more like he had shadows of his thoughts, instincts that pressured him to move a certain way, or do a certain thing.

    "Though.. I can't say it's the only thing that's taken too much of an interest in you."

    Shivering, Jhonen swallowed. It was extremely hard not to pick the male up then and there and carry him into that bedroom. Hell, with how he was acting right now he didn't even feel like the bedroom was needed. So many senses were on fire that it was hard for Jho not to shiver in the pale man's arms.

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    Post by Lorne Wed Nov 23, 2016 1:44 pm

    Lorne crept his one of his tails around Jhonen waist as he talked, coiling them around the man. The white silky fur stroked against his side. Lorne felt a smile tug at his lips when Jhonen informed him about Cwn, and for the life of him, he didn't even try to pronounce the second part. It would be utter foolishness to even try. At his words about the wolf, Lorne slowly nodded, gently giving him a soft kiss again his cheek.

    However, Lorne couldn't help but to let arrogance through.

    "I don't blame him, I am a rather adorable fox." He offered as an explanation, giving him a playful wink. However, the next sentence caught him off guard. And Lorne didn't expect such bold words from the man who always seemed to stutter and be incredibly nervous around him.

    Growling slightly, Lorne paid Jhonen back as his two fingers would swap to a whole hand pushing his face to the side. His other hand stopped what it was doing and held itself against the other side of the mans face. The Kitsune's eyes shut and he would force his lips against Jhonens again, parting his own. It was a subtle invitation, if Jhonen was interested.

    Lorne's remaining and still free tails would coil around the other side of him, preventing him from taking a step back from him. It would be over when Lorne decided it would be.

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    Post by Jhonen Wed Nov 23, 2016 1:50 pm

    A growl made its way through Jhonen's throat, his arms wrapping around Lorne until there was no room between the two. Instinct pressed him forward, opening his mouth in slight with Lornes- exploring as deeply as the fox would let him. The fire was nothing more than coals, giving no explanation to the burning sensation that Jho felt throughout his entire being. Before he knew it, he had picked up the Yokai- putting him against the sliding panel to the right of the fire pit. He didn't break the kiss until he had Lorne's back against the panel, his voice huskily coming out in a coarse tone.

    "Yes, yes you are. And too many thoughts are going through my head for this to be okay."

    Damn it, he couldn't think straight around this damned man... Cwn didn't mind. After dwelling on the thought for a moment, he decided that he didn't give two fucks either. With rationality leaving him, he pursued the male once more.

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    Post by Lorne Wed Nov 23, 2016 2:04 pm

    Lorne felt a growl come from his throat when Jhonen decided it would be a fantastic idea to lift him up, forcing him back. However, his hands refused to leave where they were, holding Jhonen there while his tongue drove deeper, attempting to half fight off Jhonen while he explored. He growled, forcing himself to allow the kiss to be broken by Jhonen. Fuck the rules, Jhonen was going to be his, Lorne didn't care. He was grateful for a breather, his eyes sparkling playfully as Jhonen gave him an easy compliment.

    It seemed he was getting the hang of that. Finally.

    Lorne would smirk partially bending over to give the wolf a second kiss on his lips, back to a rather gentle touch. He wanted to see how much the wolf would allow him to toy with him, and Lorne wink. "Well, I can only speak for myself, but damn... How the fuck are ya even free?" Lorne mused a little, the tail wrapped around his stomach gently stroking Jho's chin, the Kitsune's lips inches away from the wolfs.

    At least being on the bench didn't murder his leg, and he now had another few tails to tease Jho with.

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    Post by Jhonen Wed Nov 23, 2016 2:11 pm

    He knew when he was being teased. The growl that had left came back full force, his lips curling into a slight snarl. If this is how Lorne was going to respond, he'd go further-pressing the Kitsune's back down onto the bench- only being careful to spare the many silken tails.

    "No one was interesting enough. Same bland christ-forsaken inbreds coming up only because they could get something from me."

    It wasn't until that point that he noticed one of the holes in his shirt, barely registering it as more than a nuisance. Cupping the back of Lorne's neck, he pulled him once more into a gentle kiss as an attempt to reign in the very broad thoughts Cwn tempted him with. Of course, the tails were doing more than he'd admit.

    Pulling away once more, the Fae's eyes were hazy. "But I can't seem to control myself around you..."

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    Post by Lorne Wed Nov 23, 2016 2:41 pm

    Lorne smirked, one of his few free tails brushing down his leg as he was forced onto his back, the bench cold against his shirtless frame. He flinched slightly at their biting cold, but couldn't pull away from it thanks to some goof forcing him down onto the surface.

    The Kitsune shivered with Jho's hand sliding behind his neck, pulling him forward to delve into another gentle kiss. But at the comment of control, Lorne chuckled in amusement, the man really wasn't able to control himself too well.

    Lorne, thanks to his natural state, gave an equivalent of a purr to him, before his lips harshly bore down on Jhonen's again, a sudden burst of strength coming from the Kitsune as he tried to regain ground he'd lost. He forced himself forward, not letting up on the rather powerful kiss, forcing Jhonen to at least let the Kitsune sit up from the cold bench. A growl came from him, his tails wrapping around Jhonen in a half attempt to restrain him, his kiss more harsh than gentle.

    His arms tightened around Jhonen's chest, a growl coming from him, refusing to let the man go.

    However, the scent of overcooked food slapped Lorne in the face and he pulled away for a few moments, debating on if he should fix it or not.

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    Post by Jhonen Wed Nov 23, 2016 2:48 pm

    A snarl made its way though Jho's through as he was forced back from atop Lorne. The fox was stronger than he'd thought, and the tails were working as restraints. The kiss, however, was forceful on both ends of the spectrum. Only now he couldn't maneuver his right arm.

    Surprise flashed through him when Lorne broke the kiss, his eyes locked onto the burning food he'd left in the embers. Annoyance, then, as he knew he'd have to fix his mistake or let the fire alarms go off.

    With a grumble, Jhonen untangled himself from the Kitsune gently, pacing to the furnace to grab the skillet. Rather than burn himself, he was smart enough to grab a glove before delving in for the cast iron skillet. Cwn's agitation matched his own, and the Lore left him in another shattering of light.

    Running his right hand through his now damp hair, Jho let out a sigh.

    "Well. It's a little burnt, but the food's ready..."


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    Post by Lorne Wed Nov 23, 2016 3:53 pm

    Lorne's face fell when Jhonen took himself away, and he stayed perched on the edge of the bench where Jhonen had placed him. His hands slid back down, resting on the corner as waited there, watching as Jho inspected the food.

    He could tell by his facial expression that it wasn't exactly good news, and he gave a little bit of a guilty grin to him when Jhonen announced the meal was... a little burnt. But at least the whole thing wasn't charred black, and their sensitive noses had picked it up early before too much damage had been done. The bright light signalled that Cwn had left them and Lorne gave a small laugh.

    "Damn, sorry Jho..." Lorne mumbled, his face only a tiny bit downcast. He slid off the bench, landing like he normally would. But the Kitsune, instead of being braced from the short drop, felt a sharp pain shoot through his leg and he grabbed the edge of the bench, gritting his teeth as he did his best not to utter a sound. Pretending nothing had happened, he wrapped the leg with one of his tails to aid with bracing it.

    "Do ya need a hand?" Lorne asked, his voice strained.

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    Post by Jhonen Wed Nov 23, 2016 4:00 pm

    The movement wasn't missed on Jhonen. The bracing of the leg, the strained tones of his dulcet voice...

    Shaking his head, Jho grabbed tupperware and tortillas, dumping the food into it before holding it with one hand and walking to the Kitsune.

    "The only help I need..."

    Jho ducked below the Yokai's chest, shouldering just beneath the abs that were surprisingly solid. If Lorne had no quarrel, the blacksmith would stride towards the tatami door, using his foot to slide the solid piece of wood out of the way. Inside, Jhonen's room was laid bare before Lorne's eyes. Having never had a guest in the large room, his bench press still having the roughly 400kg circle weights total on it. Moving to set Lorne on the bed, he carefully pulled one of his reading desks over- closing the Grimm to make room for the meal he had kind of prepared.

    "Is for you to rest, and eat."

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