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Looming in the Meadows(OPEN RP) - Page 2 OoC81

Aero Dynamic
8 posters

    Looming in the Meadows(OPEN RP)


    Status :

    Female Posts : 359
    Reputation : 0
    Age : 23

    Character sheet
    Character Name: F.U.R.
    Species: Animal of a sort
    Alignment : Neutral Good

    Looming in the Meadows(OPEN RP) - Page 2 Empty Looming in the Meadows(OPEN RP)

    Post by F.U.R. Thu Sep 22, 2016 3:20 pm

    First topic message reminder :

    F.U.R. has slowly opened his eyes, and sat up as the bright welcoming sun embraced his cold body. It was a lovely feeling, it reminded him of being cared about. Shaking past memories aside, the child stood up and sniffed the air, facing towards the wind, whilst the flowers and wheat danced around him to the song of the morning. Everything was so calm, peaceful, serene, it was exactly what F.U.R. needed that day. Yes, a calm day alone in serene solitude.

    While he was distracted by the lovely morning, he noticed a scent in the wind. He didn't recognize it at all. "Wait, just....what kind....what kind of animal is this?!? It smells somewhat like a bird, kind of, not really, but somewhat like those hairless flesh blobs. I should hide somewhere, or......act natural! Yeah!" The creature thought aloud, then scrambled to find something quote on quote "normal" for an animal to be doing.

    He then shook his head vigorously, and hit it into a nearby rock several times, leaving slight vermilion tints on his fur and on the rock. "STUPID STUPID STUPID!" It shouted aloud, "Why HIDE from your enemy when you can confront it, or trick it and gain something from it, right?" It mumbled to itself. F.U.R. then once again shook his head, sat down in the meadow, and started crying.

    The creature was confused on what to do since he hasn't met a sentient creature in ages. What was he supposed to do? "I shouldn't have chased it away, it could have been helpful...." he mumbled, "No, it would have made things worse, I just need to sit and wait..." F.U.R. let out a sigh, picked a flower and began eating the petals. He then looked up at the moving clouds in the sky and let out a sigh.

    Aero Dynamic

    Posts : 409

    Character sheet
    Character Name: Aero Dynamic
    Species: Dragon
    Alignment : Lawful Neutral

    Looming in the Meadows(OPEN RP) - Page 2 Empty Re: Looming in the Meadows(OPEN RP)

    Post by Aero Dynamic Tue Oct 18, 2016 7:42 pm

    Aero watched patiently as the branch slightly moved, a flash of grey appearing before a voice whipped her attention from it. It was the robot from earlier, and he still wanted her to answer his question. With heavy frustration in her voice she replied, "Look, my name's Aero, okay? Now leave me alone." Her eyes flickered to the two who still stood around, thinking that those two wouldn't be as much of a pain as this robot. She turned around and looked up at the creature, who she now identified as a little dragon, and invited him to follow her or at least tried to with her eyes and a slight tilt of her head. Looking back into the forest she walked away from the group, hoping that she'd be able to identify the dragon alone.

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    Male Posts : 92
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    Looming in the Meadows(OPEN RP) - Page 2 Empty Re: Looming in the Meadows(OPEN RP)

    Post by Anonymous51 Fri Oct 21, 2016 8:31 am

    (Short post to keep this alive, although I was waiting for others to post :p)
    Shudaar blinked at the female human, watching her as she spoke. He never took his eyes off of her, not even when the other thing spoke allowed. The female bipedal that smelled funny wanted him to go further into the forest and follow her. Why? He had no idea. Curiosity definitely would win, and Shudaar would follow, but only if no one else went to the tree. He didn't want to be spotted after all.
    Dragon Storm's Leader
    Technician  Dragon Storm's Leader

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    Age : 22

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    Character Name: Yuuki
    Species: Human
    Alignment : True Neutral

    Looming in the Meadows(OPEN RP) - Page 2 Empty Re: Looming in the Meadows(OPEN RP)

    Post by Yuuki Fri Oct 28, 2016 9:36 pm

    Alex frowned, when he heard Troy's last sentence. "You really want to get caught up in this mess, dude? I dunno about you, but I don't think we should be talking to strangers like this, especially giant killer robots?" He sighed, shoving his arms into his hoodie pocket and pulled out to check his phone. It was already getting close to 5, and Alex would probably have to head home sooner or later. He had been out here for who knows how long surrounded by strangers that he probably was not supposed to be talking to.

    "If we're gonna keep this up, I should at least be back home by dinner, or my parents will kill me." He flashed a thumbs up sign. "Because dying is great, haha! Who doesn't love dying by killer robots? Cuz if I die, that's totally the way I'd wanna go, absolutely."

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    Male Posts : 66
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    Age : 20

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    Character Name: Askyus
    Species: H-MM Prototype
    Alignment : Lawful Neutral

    Looming in the Meadows(OPEN RP) - Page 2 Empty Re: Looming in the Meadows(OPEN RP)

    Post by Askyus Sat Nov 05, 2016 9:12 pm

    Askyus said nothing to Aero as she walked into the forest. Maybe she was really just a normal girl and he was being silly. He looked at Alex and frowned. "Killer robot. Good first impression - I'm flattered, really," he said. "What a strange group of people." Askyus wondered if he should be hanging around with a bunch of kids. He supposed his large metal form was intimdating; as it would be. He paused. His extrasensory equipment told him something quite unexpected about Aero, the girl who'd just walked off. She wasn't just a normal human. He silently ditched the other two humans and started walking into the woods after Aero.
    Aero Dynamic
    Aero Dynamic

    Status :

    Female Posts : 409
    Reputation : 6
    Age : 21

    Character sheet
    Character Name: Aero Dynamic
    Species: Dragon
    Alignment : Lawful Neutral

    Looming in the Meadows(OPEN RP) - Page 2 Empty Re: Looming in the Meadows(OPEN RP)

    Post by Aero Dynamic Sun Nov 06, 2016 7:29 am

    Aero began to walk further in the forest, keeping a slight watch on the dragon as she did so. She heard the others talking, thinking that they'd all disband and walk away. Until she heard more noises behind her. Stopping she turned around, only to see the robot that was still following her. She glanced up at the dragon for a second before looking back at the robot with a glare. "I told you to leave me alone! Are you going to follow me back to my house or something? She yelled at him, wondering why robot were so nosey. The other one she met had threatened the one nice guy she had met. If Xyl was here he'd probably be able to shoo this robot away better than she could.

    Status :

    Female Posts : 27
    Reputation : 0
    Age : 25

    Looming in the Meadows(OPEN RP) - Page 2 Empty Re: Looming in the Meadows(OPEN RP)

    Post by Arrath Sun Nov 06, 2016 8:30 am

    (Since F.U.R. left Arrath will invade.)
    The vast slew of scents drifted around him, filling his nose with new and interesting aromas. There was one scent that stood out the most though, one that he didn't recognize. Going in with his curiosity, Arrath jumped, pranced, and weaved his way through obstacles to go find whatever this strange thing he smelt was. He quickly clawed his way up the tree of which the new and interesting scent was attached to, he nearly bumped into some creature while following the scent. It was black and scaley, it had...wings. This creature was something he had never seen before. Deciding that it would be his best option to lay low, he flopped on the ground, with his green eyes fixated on the creature.
    (Short post is short)

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    Male Posts : 92
    Reputation : 0

    Looming in the Meadows(OPEN RP) - Page 2 Empty Re: Looming in the Meadows(OPEN RP)

    Post by Anonymous51 Fri Nov 11, 2016 11:03 pm

    (short post, sowwy)
    Having watched the funny hoomans follow the funky hooman, Shudaar slowly worked his way along the tree and then quickly flew to the next tree when he knew no one would be watching. He did this and stopped when the female hooman did to yell at the others. Unknown to him, a fuzzy thing was climbing the tree, and gave a yipe in startle as he was bumped into. Instinctively jumping at the suprise, he lost his footing and half fell, but caught himself on the branch with his front paws, before pulling himself up. Blinking, he quickly realized that a ball of floof was staring at him, and his eyes widened as he stared back at it.

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